Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's my Due Date!!
Although the ticker says I have one more is the day that I would have been induced had Lilly not come already. It very crazy for me to think that she should still be inside me and I would not be as sleep deprived as I am now. The photos above are of the wonderful decorations that our neighbors put up when Lilly was born nearly 6 weeks ago. The decorations have remained up, but they are coming down today. I have started taking photos with my new camera; the last photo is one of these with the new camera. I need to work on the background to make the photos look more professional. The weather is finally cooperating and it is nearly time to head to the beach. We are looking forward to spending sometime outside. Speaking of outside.....tell me what you think of this experience we had this morning.....
Lilly was a little fussy-wussy this morning so I decided to take her for a walk around the neighborhood to let her breath the fresh air, and at least have her scream outside where there is not much of an echo. It's around 10:30am, so figured I was safe to let her just scream (now she is fed with a clean diaper, but was not going to sleep and that's what she really needed-so don't think I'm a bad mommy). We are heading out and this older lady is out getting her exercise (I have not seen her in the area before, but she looked harmless) and asked to peek in and see the baby. "Sure" I say. Then we head our separate ways. Later in the walk Lilly has stared up her fussing again, and we re-pass the same lady. This time she begins to reach into the stroller saying that she can calm her down if I would just let her hold Lilly......WOW....Hold up....I don't know you from Fran, and you feel that you can reach into the stroller and try to get her out and ask to hold her...YEAH RIGHT!!! Keep dreaming lady...get your own baby to hold. So I kindly said that Lilly is hungry so I should just go home. All is well now....but a word to the wise...IF YOU DON'T KNOW ME DON'T ASK TO HOLD MY BABY; CAUSE I'M GONNA HAVE TO GET OVER PROTECTIVE ON YOUR ASS!! But do get out and enjoy the weather :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you wonderful Mom: Oh Lilly , you are so cute, I just want to hold you. Guess what I am an old lady, too. Just kidding I would have ran for my life. She is such a dollbaby. We love the pics: you are getting real good, Mom.
Take Care we love you guys. B & B
Lancaster Pa