Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Still learning how to use the new computer, but here is the most recent scan of baby #2!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Lilly as Tinkerbell!
17 weeks pregnant
Lilly posing on the beach in November...can you believe it was so warm!
Ready, set......GO!!! Running!
And a favorite past time...throwing sand!

It's A Boy!!
We had our ultrasound on 11/19 and it was very, very clear that it's a boy. I will work on getting photos up as soon as possible. We did our trip up to NY for Thanksgiving and all in all it was a good trip...long drive, but good trip. We are looking forward to our busy December; Mike's Farm on Friday, Holiday party on the 12th, then our Hoover family Hawaii adventure!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Still no computer...
As I sit here typing this update, I'm at my folks house using their computer per the fact that mine is STILL being worked on by best buy. It went in on the 28th of September, and I have not seen it since. But hopefully, by this weekend. Here are some updates to keep you, well, updated:

-Lilly was Tinkerbell for Halloween, not really into it, but the adults had a great time when we found a house that was giving out beer....we ended up staying there for a while ;)

-Lilly can now use short sentences to let us know what she is thinking and along with her large vocab and ability to remember names and colors, she is quite the talker! Just ask all her friends and their mom's it's almost creepy how well she remembers people.

-Today I have my 18 week ultrasound to look at all the baby part (for those who did not know; I'm pregnant). I will try to get those photos up tomorrow or at least news as to what I'm having.

-Fitz is the hardest working man in the MHC right now, but it will hopefully pay off when the rental house is ready to rent!

-Not much else news, will post photos as soon as I have access to a computer with will take a cd.

Hope to be back online very, very soon....and I will be posting so often that you will not want to read anymore!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Girl and her "Zee-Bah"
For Christmas, our good friends Leah, Paul, and Sienna gave Lilly a pull behind Zebra. At the time she had more fun playing with the box that it came in then the actual toy. So the Zebra moved around our house as needed, until one day recently when Lilly took a liking to pull it around behind her. I decided we could take "zebra" walks, and she loves it. She will find her "zee-bah" and head for the door saying walk and outside. I was lucky enough to be able to bring my camera and capture one of our walks. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lilly on the first circuit at the gymnastics field trip. She really enjoyed the trampoline track along the back wall.

Lilly on the second circuit at the gymnastics field trip. This time she enjoyed the tunnel, trampoline, and the bar for hanging! She just loves to be active.

Lilly on the big trampoline....gosh do we see a pattern?!

Today was the playgroup field trip to a local gymnastics training center. We have been looking forward to this field trip to see how Lilly did, and see if it is an activity we should start with her. She did really great once they were allowed to "roam" and do the activities; she did not, however, warm up properly nor would she stretch like they wanted her to. It's a good thing she's like gumby! We had a great time and it was actually a workout for me, mostly because I was chasing Lilly around the whole time. We are going to try the parent and tot class next week and see if she will like it enough for us to pay for her to take classes.

As for other news, not much! Just enjoying the warm days that "fall" has brought our way. And of course looking forward to the Seafood fest the first weekend in October. I always have to get a sea-spud, and butter drenched corn on the cob. This year it will be fun to watch Lilly do her people watching and flirting! Plus, my Aunt Elise and cousin Kit will make the trip down from PA for the festivities! And they always know how to bring the party!

In other October news, Lilly is going to be tinker bell for Halloween, so I have finished her tutu (neon/citrus green of course), and now I am working on what she should wear on top. I think I'll try to find some type of tink patch or iron on and just put it on a long or short sleeved shirt or onesie. Well, off to search the net; as we are severely lacking around here in places to search!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Day in the Life...
of a stay at home Mom. Ever wonder what the heck a stay at home Mom does all day long, I mean it must be easy right; you just play with your kid(s) all day?! Well, here is a run down of my 09/09/09; the day of a stay at home Mom. Wake around 6:30am to Lilly talking to herself in the crib and wonder how long she has been up. Make breakfast; waffle, banana, and blueberries. When it goes on the floor, she's all done. Ok, clean up; chair, baby, tray, floor. Time to pack for play group..out the door with time to pick up the photos and mail out some cards. Playgroup at 9:25am, plenty of time to spare. Inside and watching out to make sure Lilly does not hurt anyone else, we make it the whole hour and only have to change a diaper...yeah! To the grocery store, list in hand, cookie for Lilly. In and out in 30minutes, and I only forgot to get waffles. Back towards home, but need to pick up the shrimp first. Heading home, need to unload the groceries, get Lilly down for a nap, and peel/devein 10lbs of very fresh shrimp. All done by 1pm, some me time; eat lunch, fold laundry, put laundry away, and sit for 30 minutes and watch reruns of Rob and Big!! She's up at 2:30, call Mom to come pick her up so I can mow the lawn. Start mowing at 3pm, done by 4pm; then vacuum the cars. Mom bring Lilly back from the park, and we vacuum out her car. Then Dad pulls up with meats that need to do in our spare freezer, so we make room for that. Then it's time to go for a quick family run, and eat dinner. Then the hubby has a great idea to get ice cream and walk around Beaufort....what a perfect end to the day! And so it goes....the day in my life as a stay at home Mom :)

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Wedding Fun!

We got the invite to help some family friends celebrate the beginning of their lives together. And we discovered that Lilly is a dancing machine, I had to take her into a corner to keep her from dancing during the couples first dance! She even made friends with the ring bearer! Fitz better look out.

In other news, Fitz and the other Rabid Dogs got 4th in the Hood to Coast Relay over the weekend in Oregon. Not to shabby for a bunch of old men! They of course want to go back next year and go for 3rd...we will have to see!

In other news, Lilly is learning a word a minute! Just this morning she picked up 'happy' and 'canoe.' Now she just keeps walking around saying happy. I will have to try to get it on video, but she's not real cooperative.

My knee is doing better; I taught this morning without pain so hopefully I'll be up and running by weeks end! Hope everyone gets out and enjoys the weather, wherever you might be.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Doctor's Daughter...

Growing up I never really knew what my Dad did, I knew we has a doctor (a foot doctor to be exact), and that in general people liked and respected him both personally and professional. I can remember laying in bed while in middle and high school on a Saturday or Sunday morning and having the phone ring EARLY....rolling over to answer it, only to have someone asking for Dr. Hoover because they were in pain. Man did I hate those calls, I could never get back to sleep (or remember to relay the message to my Dad). Anyhow, I digress. I have knee pain, I mean the kind of knee pain that causes me to have trouble walking. I don't claim to be a tuff-y like my Lilly, but I don't usually crumble under the pain. But let me tell you , I don't know what I did, but I did it good! So in comes the great part about being a doctor's daughter....I get to have treatment on my knee as often as I need, at whatever time I can get there, and at no cost. So from yesterday of not being able to walk without a sever limp, to walking nearly normal today....I would say I'm one lucky gal. Not to mention that my Mom is ever ready to keep Lilly busy so I can treat my knee. Here's to a quick recovery for these ole knees, and hoping to put some more miles on them by 9/5 (that will be like 2 weeks off running, and in my world that's like a life time). Thanks Mom and Dad!

Monday, August 24, 2009

History of Hoop Pole Creek
Lilly and her ice cream cone
Getting some help from Eenie
Water Photo!
High Stepping through the High Tide
She loves some water.
Wet Feet=Happy Girl!
More Splashing!
Snails climbing the marsh grass to avoid the tide.
Water photo!
Heading up the path.
"what, it's time to go?"
"...but Momma I just want to play with the gravel."
Almost back.
Hoop Hole...I mean Pole Creek.
Ever have a place you've got to and talked about for years only to find out that it's got a different name. For years I have called this place Hoop Hole Creek, as a child we would go "giggin" for flounder (we never caught anything), and in recent times I have taken Lilly back for hikes and runs. Well when we went last weekend....I discovered that it was actually called Hoop Pole Creek! Oh, well! My folks and I took Lilly for her evening walk at the "creek" for a change of scene. We stopped for some ice cream on the way and Lilly just loves to walk and eat ice cream! We made it nearly to the end when I realized that at high tide some of the path is covered! Lilly did not mind at all, in fact it was hard to get her to come back. She's a water baby through and through! We are hoping to continue to enjoy the out of doors while the weather holds out!

Friday, August 07, 2009

This chick's ready to shred!
Yup, that's my Dad!
Twin Pops!
Look SAND!!!
And a sand fiddler crab!
He taught me all I know!
Hubby, up and riding!
Nice do, Uncle John!
"Eenie, I wanna go out there with Momma."
Hoover Clan!
Stevie shredding it up!
Shoes on surf board!
Fitz self portrait...simply amazing!
Girl Shot!
Schlager family shot!
Another angle!
Happy Baby....she's naked of course!
"Look momma, I can surf too!"
Commadore said "tata, time to go!"
Heading home...suns nearly gone!
With some of my mom's family visiting we decided to do some beachtime and even surf a bit! It was a great evening for riding some small waves, and just having a great time. Good thing they are here to help me and Lilly get our minds off of our bestest friends heading home to Australia this week. We miss them dearly!!!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

She climbs in to a box and then gets stuck!

Removes her diaper and climbs in a chair laughing!

Accessorizes to the extreme!

When the house gets quiet; the kid is up to no good!