Friday, February 08, 2008

Life as a housewife, Lovin' it!!
I have finished my first week as a housewife (not yet a stay at home mom status), and I have been pretty productive so far. I have been able to get all of my sleep, and working out in each day. While preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner for Mr. Fitz; at least when he is home-based. The dishes are always clean, and so is the laundry. Sophie is getting tons of attention, and the photos have finally been organized by year. The house is also clean, so now all we need is visitors to admire my hard work! I can't wait for the baby furniture to come in so I can really start on the nursary, and then there is that learning to sew thing so I can make some curtains.
The pregnancy update is not exciting; we are just growing and growing (waist is up to nearly 35 inches around-yikes!!, but Fitz keeps telling me I'm still really cute). Next week I have my gluclose test to see if I am diabetic. When my friend Meg took this test, it made her sick, so she had to go back and do a longer test a different day (hoping that does not happen to me). Ladybug is much more active (or I just feel her more) since I have time to sit and focus on my belly, it's nice to have time to do that. We do miss our friends in Raleigh-wood, but I'm sure we will have plenty of visitors come this summer and nicer weather!

Quick update on Private First Class Hoover, he is in his last 20-ish days of boot camp, and he is really looking forward to starting the dive program. Send him good vibes for getting through this last bit of boot camp.

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