Tuesday, April 03, 2012

A day in the life.....
of a stay at home Mom.....ok, most days are simply wonderful and some are hard. But here is today: 4/3/12: wake at 12:30am, 12:45am, 4:30am with an upset Lilly who wanted someone to sleep with her. Then alarm at 6:30am to wake for a morning run with the best running buddy ever. Home from a run after 45min in to chaos and time for grocery shopping and unloading said groceries. Now it's 9:30am and we are heading to the gym where I lift weights so I can continue to control these kiddos. After the lifting we head to the pool where Miss Lilly discovers she has a splinter in her foot. Mass CHAOS again, and we only manage to swim for 15 minutes, then to the park, home for lunch, and it's nap time. Since Lilly was up 3-4 times last night, she crashed as well as MJ at 1:30pm. I finishes decorating the cookies for MJ's party tomorrow, then mow the lawn, and attempt to weed eat (not successful). Kids wake and we read some books, and I grab a shower. Then we head out for dinner at Chick-fil-a to celebrate the kids birthday eve. We get home now it's time for bath, brush, and bed. After kids are out at 8pm; we (my folks and I) work on the bunny cupcakes for Lilly's party tomorrow, and make the dough for the sugar cookies. So it's 11pm, time for bed to start again tomorrow! Love my "job" as a stay at home mom!!

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