Halloween is upon us!
We have been staying busy, and with that comes lots of photos! Lilly has taken to not napping anymore which means an earlier bedtime....7pm to be exact. On occasion we have had a dance party before bed and if Lilly does not end up in Hollywood I will be very surprised. She loves to sing the songs, dance to her own tune, and now close her eyes while "performing." Another evening activity that provides entertainment is face painting. Lilly loves to paint her face, and anyone elses face that is willing to let her decorate. She love to use pink and at the end of the painting most things are covered in pink. Luckily, the clean up is pretty easy!
MJ is now sitting up regularly, and enjoys being able to watch the world go by from his perch on the ground! He got to meet a neighbors dog this week, and he loved the dog. He would pet the dog and laugh; bury his face on the dog and laugh; just basically laugh at everything to do with the dog. If I could get a dog and it would turn out just like Shamrock, I would get two!
We managed to get one shot of the kids together and smiling and it only took two trips to the pumpkin patch to make it happen. We are looking forward to celebrating Halloween with the kiddos. We have a busy week planned; chick-fil-a, aquarium, truck or treat, rec center, hay rides, and then regular trick-or-treating! I hope our little kitty and giraffe can have the energy to enjoy the fun!
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